Obopay Mobile Payments was a platform that allowed end users to send, receive and manage money accounts via a mobile experience. Obopay marketed their own brand but also supplied a white-label product to customers such as Mastercard and Citi-Bank. The goal of the Obopay architecture was to create a rich user experience that scaled across a multitude of mobile devices and technologies and supported a customizable brand expression.
User personas play a crucial role in a User-Centered design approach. The user persona helps to clarify the user’s needs, wants and desires which in turn helps focus the requirements and design phases. I developed this particular user persona in the design of a mobile application for iPhone users. The goal was to flush out and identify core users of the iPhone and determine what needs they had in their daily lives. I established a background story for each user segment, outlined their usage patterns and spending/saving habits then extrapolated their wants and needs.